Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Slow Time

Watch silently as
slow time advances
to the click-clatt er click
of old age

Seasons strangely change
And man in his own right
was made to see the light light.

People in prisons
shouldn't throw chains.


A Far And Distant Memory

Silently David was born
  and Goliath Sprang into existence
       From David's brain.
Slowly and quietly
       the war arose between
       two nations
       Two false images collided
Imagination being fought
   and with impeccable aim
David cast a stone at the
   forehead of Goliath &
        Goliath fell.



a forgotten heart
colors the morning air
a dim sun pinkish blue
rests on lilacs fresh with dew
glistening in its moist field
refracted in its droplets
a rainbow smiles
with its frown
upside down


Monday, June 6, 2011

Sharing what's left

sheets of rain
hang motionless
in midair
I run inside
to find you


Always will
I look through water
past closed libraries
at the galloping rainbows, fabric
of all of life
once pools of doubt would
allow no more than victory
arrival and a walk through hair
now I thank God how much of
you is there how the air I need is
seen still through water in the corner
cut by wind weight born tender
a note from an eye more than lashes
a symbol from the more than a
pumping organ and a ewe drawn poorly
while looking at a painting
put together to how I feel

I Can Hear The Wind And Flowers

the color of  long romantic moments
drawn in
saturated by your you
I can hear the wind and flowers
as your song vibrates
growing slowly
within me
mending me nurturing me
transforming shadows
into music
I collapse between
sensibilities*  our continents
close in on together


Friday, June 3, 2011

I Was Born In a Poem

Her voice is the morning sky
singing to the sea and earth
why, why, why

I was born in a poem
and in a poem I shall die

like voice is in the morning sky


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sailing toward the unreachable place

Now I see you sleeping miles away
controlling my dreams...

as the sea washes over me
I feel the caress of each crest touch the shore

* Dearest friend, we are connected undeneath this body of water. I'd love to be with you so much.
Still, I feel you with me, and this is truly wonderful, no matter where I am , no matter where you are.
Reality is very interesting,  as is really being with the someone you love and enjoying the everyday
 or a getaway or even a struggle about some stupid thing. I am learning to leran about myself and  it is very interesting. In any case, nice places are really fun to go to,  even if  you're not there with
the  person you truly love the most! 
* The wifi signal is OK but it logs off if you sit idle here.Cell phone surfing  hasn't invaded this beach area  and no laptops at the tiki bar have been seen so far.I don't even see any earplugs or ipods which is really strange. I think that is a good sign though. People seem to just want to listen to the waves and gulls and the occasional screech  from a child..


Sailing Softly Through Light Waves

She is the fire in the sea
with each breath
pulling in the shore

as the ship masts
sway and lean
balancing the horizon
holding their store

slowly moving
closer to each other


Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Love Is

My soul dances in the morning air

What is love
but that you bring my heart
a million smiles



I need a real vacation, somewhere close by.
I'm going to watch the sunset on the water
for a few days.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Radiation: warmth and light

With wonder I look in your eyes
How you radiate from within
so beautifully
and how I feel your softness
warmth and light
deep inside
the darkest parts of me


Collision: warmth and light

Love be enough. That madness cannot present itself
as truth, just madness, and that be truth enough.  And more so...

Imagine the sun
cratered into the moon
that large my love grows
so inspired by your
warmth and light
I grew mountains
and enlarged a thousand fold
and myself lit to return
your illuminating glow


Saturday, May 21, 2011

The still soft universe

Their souls burn night bright
moving with time's
pauses and still lightness
like the man, woman, or child
rapt in sunshine, music, or air
in each found the other
listening to love


Friday, May 20, 2011

The light in air traveling the sky

A forest silhouette
as the last powdery cloud
sneaks through the closing
curtain of night

with mountains
all gone 
all shifted beneath the
golden eye of the fire
we dream simply
to ourselves

from the earth
underneath leaves
and the light in air
traveling the sky



Passing cars drink the earth

and again
passing cars drink the earth
replaced in their passage
into air and water

the oleaginous spot in the ground
whose black is half gotten now
or more by now half gone harder to get

in plumes or in shivering dew
sinking back to the earth
in us all as we pass through

Whose wielded weight in numbness
we inherited
as tears you make
to feel your heart



Disclosure: as much as I dislike oil, I like old cars and the way they look.
I  lowered the compression of the engine in the 69 rs/ss convertible pictured above
so it gets good gas mileage. I dont drive it very often. I really like some of the muscle cars from the late 60's and early 70's, especially the way they looked. I guess I am slightly hypocritical in this poem because I keep this car and like it, as it uses oil and burns gas. But, even most electric cars pollute, in the secondary sense of how the electricity they run on was originally produced. 

The song is from a 60's band called "Spirit". The video is about the BP oil disaster in the gulf of mexico last year..

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Swimming the curves of our heart

beneath the breath
shifting gold blood white
into the mud and sea
slow swimming the curves
of our heart

is the air briefly held
holding treasure gone
and won this evening steam
passing through us
lost as a river in the sea


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sweet Earth Below me

So when...

So today I'll be over
As I once did
with these letters
with their edges in ways I'll try

routine in their Urgency
fraying at the corners
to meet their destination
wandering dark gardens

sweet earth below me
that the road before us
keep important as the dream


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On Absinthe Day

the street weaves its overture in cracks
as the sun sets like an apple with whiskers

on Absinthe Day 
the third week of June each year
a remarkably frail human being
at the drying facility at Boveresse
comes in
to contact with experience

at Boveresse now Val de Travers
I am now and will always be
in love with You forever.


*I'm gone for about two weeks . I will miss you all. <3

(not my wedding!)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

In Love With Rushing Water

As the sun drains
from the sky the
world dies and
my fingers fill
into the spaces
I've lived through

The physical stories
still breathing as
memories embedded
in the vivid settings
inside my heart

to after a spring rain
when a sister and brother
played by a flooded curb
in love with rushing water


Friday, April 29, 2011

What God says without words

                                                What God said without words

This year
Spring came early and clean

as a warm breeze
draped over winter's spine

When God said without words

                                                 I Love You



Most Poems Have Burrs

Most poems have burrs
some that fall off and
stick to us

some poems have burrs
like stellate stars
that penetrate the heart
and warm the liver

and some have burrs
that are scary or cold
and kind of make you shiver

this poem has a burr too
I'm totally in Love with You
and I really am... it's true.

I hope that doesn't
give you the flu.


It's Going To Be A Huge Kiss

                     The Queen looks wonderful...and the bride so happy!

as may you have life in the world to come, everlasting..I see elton john but no mick yet.
6:27 AM ( Eastern Time US) nice prayer...what is the"evil" that builds compelled to be released?
Getting rid of it seems at first logical, but it's better to hold it in ... it will dissipate
( but what if the evil does some good? eeeks ...still it's better to hold it in ...if you can!)
7:15 AM  It's nice that the weather held up.The guard horses are doing a great job. The dry ground providing for extra bounce. The bride is still smiling, and they're arriving now at Buckingham Palace,
the flower girls seen on the three giant screens. This does make you think about getting married.
It can't be helped... well done London!
as the world waits for a kiss
7:50 The crowd is marching towards the Palace waving Union Jacks. I think this may be a sign to invest in the market. It's orderly because they know what's coming. I can't help but think of a particular first kiss, but as exciting as it was, it pales in comparison to what's coming...( I have to admit I'm also thinking about kissing you! That would be bigger than this..but I am excited enough . I must try not to think of such things right now)

It's going to be a HUGE KISS though!

The second kiss was pretty good, better than the first and good enough to seal the deal.
Very nice! It seems the Queen has had enough and wants her drink now.
The bride gave a wonderful last glance, over her shoulder to the crowd as she walked inside and now I see people are walking in the fountain. All in all a great show. It's time to go shopping , bye!

As lovely as
the Trust I Believe in

You were not
1   Any of the various North American vultures
2   A pleonectic person
3   really You  in your Angel Skin coat

Let classified ads work for you - Dial SH1-101 Now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sea Light In Black Water

I wish I could take
most of you back
the a/c makes an icy reply
and she scoots over
the seat belts turned on

Sea light in black water


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trees Touch The Air

Quietly trees touched the air
inching toward clouds as
they gently tunneled downward

Their branches weighted to the
changing days
slowly sailed ships that
moved onward

Trees with clothes, wheels, and flowers
drawn upon their leaves
now sail their ships
with true natures inaudible
still cling to each other somehow

As their roots breathe in hardened air 
and their branches walk through stone.


One Heartbeat Away From Breaking

tombs of sadness
acquiesce and ascend
above a robin's fading cry

With benevolence
bent on addiction
chains the carcanet
as the wind chimes play

to a dancy fromage
one heartbeat
away from breaking


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Woods In Bloom

 Spring is
a good girlfriend

Her flowers bring  forth
an ancient gladness
I love


Saturday, April 23, 2011

In the Arena

Is the old way out?
in this way only is
romance about
the way I love you

I can sense you in the area
on a sign outside where
the gates to the ocean open
lay the earth behind my blinds

A wedding bell chimes
the lull to be kept in
pursuing a hope without gradually
caring whatever that means
growing within love
in the beginning
dreaming there is no left there

Squeezed by her legs
and pressed into the sun
a place a home
the earth behind
my blinds
opening the floodgates of an ocean.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Each Day's A Chance

Each day is a chance to watch love grow

  And I flew with a Dancer's Heart
feeling Love's music awakening my soul



Named By The Sky

We are alive
And the trees lift their
golden arms and the clouds
flower into gothic messengers
of reawakening

And as startled -
as delighted by the
morning bird's song

In us contained
the truth, and a chance
opaque, wild,  inescapable

as we drag the sea through
and believe in silence.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Thousand

We had
a thousand scars for every one he had
 taken a thousand more pills
and resurrected ourselves a thousand more times

Waking  last  night  thinking
about     l i f e    wondering
questioning  if  it's  all - right  
to love somebody this much 
the dangers
of being this
                   high and  the
                   mistakes you
 can make.   Like  asking
 to  be  stabbed  to death
 because  you  like  r e d .



Monday, April 11, 2011

Through Me

She moves
 through me as Spring moves
gently through the lines written on her leaves.

Lifting slowly through my veins
 Softly speaking to me 
Of the Life
That She sustains


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life Is An Infinity Of Change


As day spins into night
the sun burning hot recedes from view
and dusk captures the imagination.

                                                 Life is an infinity of change...


Saturday, April 9, 2011

We Saw The Sun Break Through The Sky


Each night
the air
 trusted the sun
to turn her

But when the
wind complained
last night
hiding the moon
and rain 
we grew
scared and confused
knowing  what was
at stake

We knew without light
we could not live, but we also
knew we had to trust the dark
So we moved below
 the skin's unimportance
and trusted our seeing
to the dragon's eye

And we held together
through the stormy weather
until  the sun
broke through
the sky.


*Dragon's Eye - love, wisdom, power
  compassion & understanding. Sometimes represented with the triangle symbol.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I Felt Her Words

When I read
 her words 
   I knew that I was in Love.

'With a jolt
my heart sped
 when thy voice
 like lightning
   struck so quickly.'

Seeing, Believing, and Feeling
their beauty
 Burning  Like Fire  behind  my  eyes...


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Closeted Dream

The storm 
arose in his mind.
A cloud spoke

'it's your turn to die!'

the rain wept
while the sun hid
in the honey of space.



Thank you. !

I thought I would pick one, ( or two, I might add another), of my favorite poems from last year
and post them here ( where they might be seen), for my new friends and followers of my blog.

...And it's sad that how much knowledge we have makes such a difference in how we think.

Here's always there so why believe anything? So what if I don't believe in anything I can still believe in believing in something that I don't believe in. I hadn't been myself and then I felt what I believe, believing in what I didn't believe in, but now wasn't always behind me, and all that time, had I believed what I didn't believe in,  I might have laughed, and had I died first and could choose again, I might rather die believing in something that never happened, that I didn't believe in, than being sure that nothing would happen at all

( re-post)

How Much Is It Worth

How much is it worth ?
not counting money

If I think I can talk
like a friend to you
and laugh cry or smile
for us
and you

but then it's only me
trying hard in this way
to say

to listen to you
as if I knew
you could really love me.

    - End of Reposted Poem-

We are surrounded by extra-nuclear forces ...

 and things are   NEVER   as  they    s e e m !

She is everything
but how much is that worth?
I stare
into her magnificent eyes
I am bling
just staring
as she burns through my lenses
so strong is her heat

I feel her breathing back

The penetration lights
infernos inside me
as she brands me
with the iron of her
inexplicably delicious

and as a bridge worker            working  out   at   the   end   of   the   beam
to a  b u i l d i n g

 in the stink of a thigh
flies my stink

and under a Freudian Slip
died my quip

...in the blink of an eye


*I'm tempted to add something but decide not to.
* title changed 5 hours after publishing

1.Original title was: 'In the Stink of a Thigh'
2."under a Freudian Slip ", "in the blink of an eye" &
    "in the think of a why" were added 2 days after posting
     in an attempt to make sense of a  "cleaned up" & "revised " version
     of the original poem which ended in a coital double orgasm..
3."dies my quip" replaced the original ending line: " flies my stink"
4. Some other rhyme replaced  idioms for
    "in the blink of an eye":
5. numerous other changes were made on the 3rd day when she rose.
in the pink of a sky

in the drink of a rye
in the wink of a bi
in the kink of a tie
in the shrink of a high
in the dink of a guy
in the ink of a dye
in the mink of a pie
in the think of a why

Added approx: 3:47 PM April 6, 2011 - and changed numerous times thereafter...
 In the two days following the original post, I lost a couple of followers because of the 'vulgarity' in this post. I won't be changing my words in the future due to the potential damage from some perceived vulgarity or crudeness. That said, most of my posts will be PG with an occasional

  Thank you for bearing with me during this expression of sensuality. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Moon Shines From The Inside

The Moon Shines From The Inside

those in whom love grows

Her voice
now ever strong
casts past the dark shadows 
with awakening sounds
that ring out loud
from the deep of her body

In a time gone by
the river moon
 that swims so peacefully now
was besieged and battered
and swam frantically
 left scarred in a
hypnotic introspection
with the sea

But now sings
a rhapsodic harmony
of the mesmeric glow
that shines from
 within her

She beams through the darkness
to rekindle in others
 the flames
of eternal


Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Pet

Traveling at
light speed
without direction
the product of a creation
that bedazzles and befuddles
that gives birds 
branches to sing on
and gave me the ability to pretend
it's OK living without you

that lets me tell you
I love you more now
than forever
now more than
ever before

I beg
to be drawn back
into your mysterious
to ride on the center
between gravity.

    an incomplete disaster


Friday, April 1, 2011

Inside Her Atoms

Time has slowed to serenity
opaquely seeing

the fireballs
dance around me
in a new world.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Her Smile

It's true that
Her smile is a masterpiece of

But it was never the smile
or the way she might dangle
a pen in her mouth
or her dark angling eyes 
that compressed my heart
and pounded blood through
the sides of my neck

Poor soul
crushed to an ash
smitten, flushed
with a crimson glow
She crept into every pore.

He shifted past
yellow angels
enamored by the
rose lining of
her heart
and sped into the crash
of a love only imagined

But it's all too real
what she feels
when the swells rise inside
and the sky fills with thier dreams
as I sit watching with burning eyes

Love has again
cruelly passed by
and what's left are the screams
from the cold hollows of a
tortured soul as the dull blade
twists deeper through a punctured heart .


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The dark eyes of a shadow

There is a symmetry to silence
 this quirky dance
 the private romance
 of our memory

And somewhere
 between the
 boarding pass
 and the far reach
 of a spectrum

A reflection looks
 through glass
 past what
 we know

To find a glow
 in the dark eyes
 of a shadow.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Mandarin Universe

                                    "Our Mandarin Universe"   Acrylic on Digital Print

The edges of an eclipsed
 sun give birth in broken
shocks of light
to day love and life

We lift ourselves
to yawning
blades of grass near
an ocherous tree
raised by the mountains
beside us

Into an infinity
of yes as our
wings fall away
in the ultimate flight
immersed in the
syrup of our
 mandarin universe


My Kuruvinda,

                                 ...and in Her hands ( might )

She splayed thier legs
and let lightning
strike them

And as the thunder
rolled between thier chests
they felt the glaring
fire and their endless limbs

past the climbing hills of thought
and the shyness sunken in valleys

To rubies held under flesh
in their scarlet garden
unattached to preference
as the Hands of God
weigh heaven and earth


Friday, March 18, 2011

Notes Cloaked In Feathers

( click picture to see the birds! )

cloaked in feathers
bloom in the sky
writing love songs

I throw off my dancing shoes
and join the bright vision
to write in the air and see
how high it goes

I would have asked you
to come with me
but I trust in the air
to ask questions

and hope you'll soon
be flying nearby


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

.........................We Danced In The Burning Sky..............

There was a time
when my heart lay broken
and hidden away in its chest
and my love life lay scattered 
along the frozen tundra of loneliness 

I doubted whether I would ever fall in love again.
But the beauty of life is that we do fall in love again !
and that ultimately we benefit from the experiences of our past
which help us to distinguish the differences between love lust and wanting 
and help us to recognize and answer true love when it calls...

When I saw her
my heart melted and caught fire...

 she was beautiful and kind, and I thought I was falling in love...
but I had been in love before and was still unsure of
   what I was truly feeling...

And Then
I felt something like I've never felt before
something  beautiful
reaching out to me
something that transcended the desires of the flesh
and all the things of this world
 something so beautiful
that I opened my soul to embrace whatever it was !

And as our souls
met each other for the first time
we danced
in the burning sky
embraced In each other amidst the fires of eternity
 a new reality of Love
more real
than existence itself
and I knew then that my heart
 was hers forever

Monday, March 14, 2011

From Before A Universe

Nothing could be like her
sheer blue fire
nothing as beautiful

and as beautiful as nothing
 as nothing is she that came before the shore
and sea

Some think her too generous with her light
too giving to the spreading stars
but so much brighter is she
that gives to others what she has 
so they can shine
 more brightly

She makes me brighter
and now I see  that before the first breath
was she
patiently encouraging a dream to reality

And when in a damp cold sweat
I lie quivering,  shaking or scared by the unknown
or when in fear or uncertainty I withdraw
She comes and sits beside me
soothing me and smoothing out my lumps to
allow possibilities to be laid out evenly and clearly
Comforting and nourishing me
 like tea and toast after a fever's gone away
And calmly inspiring me, and reassuring me
that everything will be OK.


Death By Steam And Noise

It was a time of
disruption and great confusion

of lives being tilled
and harrowed and of
immovable objects having to be moved

The embattled occupant
of a soiled world prepared as best he
could for the inevitbale
onslaught of deafening
mechanized monsters and
ghouls with long arms
that spit with a heat
turning water
to steam

At the fateful hour
they were heard approaching
and with a traumatizing
knock on the door it had begun
the carpet cleaners
had arrived.



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sonnet 2 spoken word with Guitar

                 CLICK HERE FOR Sonnet 2 Spoken Word & Guitar mp3

This is me speaking sonnet 2 with the guitar. I wrote the guitar accompaniment and it can be used for any of the 150 or so sonnets. Now you know what my voice sounds like. I hope I haven't scared anyone away.
I don't read a lot of  Shakespeare and I just chose this one out of the blue. It's about an older guy talking to a younger man about the reasons to get married ( I think). I love the words and the way they are used, but
am neutral on the content. I'm neither for or against having kids.

Here are the words in case you can't hear them:

When forty winters shall beseige thy brow,
And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field,
Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now,
Will be a tatter'd weed, of small worth held:
Then being ask'd where all thy beauty lies,
Where all the treasure of thy lusty days,
To say, within thine own deep-sunken eyes,
Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.
How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use,
If thou couldst answer 'This fair child of mine
Shall sum my count and make my old excuse,'
Proving his beauty by succession thine!
This were to be new made when thou art old,
And see thy blood warm when thou feel'st it cold.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Voice From Inside The Painting

I'll never forget the first time I heard her
she said " Excuse me, can you help me ?"
those six words
spoken with a sweetness I had never heard
how beautiful they were to me
at that moment
and from that
moment on

How they sank so gently into my soul that day
along with her smile and the kindness in her eyes
feelings that make me want to always be near her

and I can still hear the words now
and will always feel them in my heart forever
because some things never change
and some feelings never go away

Because she's everything
there could ever be, and a million times more...
And I feel her soul stirring my insides
shaking my bones, and spreading
over me like melting butter every time I think of her.

    Yes I love Her

Can you see how happy she makes me?

  That's me running my fingers through her hair
   And it all began with those six little words she said to me...

   when I first felt the wondrous alchemy of her consciousness
 glistening in the air as she spoke

 and my spirit began soaring
because I knew she was the one!

and I could feel her words nestling comfortably,
affectionately, lovingly, and  passionately
into the core of my being

as if they had been there
   for an Eternity .


Monday, March 7, 2011

When We Talked About Whatever

only after closing our eyes
 could we finally see each other

and for the first time
 we realized
 that the empty space between us
was the place
for everything to become beautiful


Friday, March 4, 2011

Reunited With The Sea And Night

  as we stood together
   I  marveled at her

     Envious of the skin that felt her tears
     and the shadows that would always touch her

     And as she turned
     and walked away
     I suddenly remembered
      what loneliness was.

