Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Take On Destiny

We breathe until we were one
together one each as the other
dancing faster than our shadows

as the sun dances
inside its own shadow
her gold heart bare
to the eyes of death

Her glitter thrown glows wide
rising high from the top of the sea
soft to touch and freely given
fertilizing glass winds filling into

And Into Heaven
with wooden spools
a film shot between lives
lifts sailors once forgotten
above water as they fly
far from the sea.



Madhulika said...

Wonderful writing..!!! very beautifully crafted ..!!
Loved your blog.. :) i am following you for sure :)
Please take some time to check out my blog at http://madhulikaspeaks.blogspot.com/
and do drop a comment to let me know your opinion...

zonedin said...

I love the adventure in this:~)

Angel said...

Romantic and beautiful! :)