I saw you sparkling
and I wanted to sparkle too
so I faked it
but I didn't know what I was
Then something unexpected
A little flame of my own grew
because of the things that you do
I don't think I'll ever lose it
but I'm almost afraid to use it
because it's something so
unfamiliar I don't understand it
But it makes me feel stronger
and I know that it's true
and now I can be me
because you were just you.
and I wanted to sparkle too
so I faked it
but I didn't know what I was
Then something unexpected
A little flame of my own grew
because of the things that you do
I don't think I'll ever lose it
but I'm almost afraid to use it
because it's something so
unfamiliar I don't understand it
But it makes me feel stronger
and I know that it's true
and now I can be me
because you were just you.
love this. sometimes, through faking, we stumble into truth.
yes, by faking I mean being insecure about something, then finding out you are ok at it and just didnt have the self confidence until the person encouraged you kind of thing. Thats just one example, I can think of a lot more. Its a pretty innocent faking im talking about...not nearly as bad as embellishing a resumme which is pretty commonplace example of a more decietful type of faking that is condoned by society more or less. I hope that it still makes sense to you now that ive gone and commented :)
Maybe you don't mean this "fake it," but I do think of this song and I explained to my daughter that it was better to fake it when you feel like you can't do something you really have to do. You may find it wasn't so hard after all. We like to sing this song even if it isn't what was meant.
But most importantly what I wanted to say is that I love this and I completely "get-it!"
yes, thanks for that stimulating music video.
I had never seen that before.
... your comments bring a smile to my heart... thanks :)
beautiful poem, sincere and true
"and now I can be me
because you were just you."
I like your new look too:)
Thanks for the kind words.
yes, much better! :)
Nice :)
I'm tired of faking it..
Hi Sassy,
yes faking takes a toll, not only in the act itself, but on the psyche too because I think we would all choose not to have to fake things, so why not learn during the process? What an opportunity, and what motivation, to slowly and with determination and hard work, turn a limiting and unnecessary weakness of ours into a strength, and in the process changing our feelings of self doubt into feelings of self confidence :)
I like that idea... and the new picture looks solemn.
i just got a new drivers license and had to bring all this documentation because the state of fl passed laws to prevent terrests from getting a license...in reality it was about contracts for documntation..so i was in a foul mood at the motor vehicle dept ... because im tall the picture has my head cut off too. the clerk said
"smile like youre glad to be here so i smirked an rised my chin up so my picture is a gross looking neck wit a creepy smile with no forehead. I think when i took these pics a few days ago i was afraid to smile from the trauma of seeing my drivers license picture
You make me laugh:^D But not in a mean way.
I was trying to understand 'why you wanna smile with me' here I have a perfect answer to it.
Thanks Rob..
im glad to share a smile :)
I like your new moniker..
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