Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trees Touch The Air

Quietly trees touched the air
inching toward clouds as
they gently tunneled downward

Their branches weighted to the
changing days
slowly sailed ships that
moved onward

Trees with clothes, wheels, and flowers
drawn upon their leaves
now sail their ships
with true natures inaudible
still cling to each other somehow

As their roots breathe in hardened air 
and their branches walk through stone.


One Heartbeat Away From Breaking

tombs of sadness
acquiesce and ascend
above a robin's fading cry

With benevolence
bent on addiction
chains the carcanet
as the wind chimes play

to a dancy fromage
one heartbeat
away from breaking


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Woods In Bloom

 Spring is
a good girlfriend

Her flowers bring  forth
an ancient gladness
I love


Saturday, April 23, 2011

In the Arena

Is the old way out?
in this way only is
romance about
the way I love you

I can sense you in the area
on a sign outside where
the gates to the ocean open
lay the earth behind my blinds

A wedding bell chimes
the lull to be kept in
pursuing a hope without gradually
caring whatever that means
growing within love
in the beginning
dreaming there is no left there

Squeezed by her legs
and pressed into the sun
a place a home
the earth behind
my blinds
opening the floodgates of an ocean.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Each Day's A Chance

Each day is a chance to watch love grow

  And I flew with a Dancer's Heart
feeling Love's music awakening my soul



Named By The Sky

We are alive
And the trees lift their
golden arms and the clouds
flower into gothic messengers
of reawakening

And as startled -
as delighted by the
morning bird's song

In us contained
the truth, and a chance
opaque, wild,  inescapable

as we drag the sea through
and believe in silence.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Thousand

We had
a thousand scars for every one he had
 taken a thousand more pills
and resurrected ourselves a thousand more times

Waking  last  night  thinking
about     l i f e    wondering
questioning  if  it's  all - right  
to love somebody this much 
the dangers
of being this
                   high and  the
                   mistakes you
 can make.   Like  asking
 to  be  stabbed  to death
 because  you  like  r e d .



Monday, April 11, 2011

Through Me

She moves
 through me as Spring moves
gently through the lines written on her leaves.

Lifting slowly through my veins
 Softly speaking to me 
Of the Life
That She sustains


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life Is An Infinity Of Change


As day spins into night
the sun burning hot recedes from view
and dusk captures the imagination.

                                                 Life is an infinity of change...


Saturday, April 9, 2011

We Saw The Sun Break Through The Sky


Each night
the air
 trusted the sun
to turn her

But when the
wind complained
last night
hiding the moon
and rain 
we grew
scared and confused
knowing  what was
at stake

We knew without light
we could not live, but we also
knew we had to trust the dark
So we moved below
 the skin's unimportance
and trusted our seeing
to the dragon's eye

And we held together
through the stormy weather
until  the sun
broke through
the sky.


*Dragon's Eye - love, wisdom, power
  compassion & understanding. Sometimes represented with the triangle symbol.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I Felt Her Words

When I read
 her words 
   I knew that I was in Love.

'With a jolt
my heart sped
 when thy voice
 like lightning
   struck so quickly.'

Seeing, Believing, and Feeling
their beauty
 Burning  Like Fire  behind  my  eyes...


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Closeted Dream

The storm 
arose in his mind.
A cloud spoke

'it's your turn to die!'

the rain wept
while the sun hid
in the honey of space.
