Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Skin

In the calm and open blue
of a world without a song
came a voice that
made a difference
and made things rearrange

disbelief became belief
slowly through dreams

You can be surrounded
by people who've disappeared
when the need to understand
commands some sun into your life



zonedin said...

oooh...I love this... like a little inspiration in the darkenss of being.

Beyond said...

disbelief became belief
slowly through dreams

You can be surrounded
by people who've disappeared
when the need to understand
commands some sun into your life...

nothing could be better said than reading those words, singing the poetry. It takes you, the complete you to turn the disbelief in belief.. you never stop, you don't give up, keep going and growing.

Philosophia said...

beautifully written. and so optimistic. I like the concept of renewal. and each sentence is more inviting than the last - of a world without a song, came a voice that made a difference. x

Letitia said...

Well put... and so very true. :)

rivercat said...

hey all, thanks for the wonderful comments. Im freaked out by blogger technical problems again...Ive been trying to post comments on your blogs but blogger has not fixed the problem where all the links on other peoples blogs are DEAD. Its really sad how bad it can be.
So, any blog but mine, and the mouse doesnt work on links.


AnnaFullStop said...

How do you really control the need to understand!?

rivercat said...

its like polishing silver its shinnier but theres less of it,
i dont realy know if that make sense but someone one said we communicate bcause its impossible to say what we mean