Tuesday, May 25, 2021

As storms prepare

they will see that

life inside you now 

here and forever 

other things happening  

not by work alone 


The thunder prepares its part in the storm

from behind glass in silence

and under rocks

now forced to fly 

the uncensored spine

unwinds its tree branches 

shattering the antique china


Saturday, April 17, 2021

a source of hunger

waiting to not belong

not all wrong

to be turned with dust 

into sunflowers on these

red hills 

climbing high on the trees 

being with leaves missing edges

lost forever.

running through the 

chasms of a songbird's

digestive  system

dancing to the changing score and 



Monday, March 15, 2021

Grandma's Stolen (Monkey Bread)


Every now and then she baked

And we'd all come in saying nothing that mattered. 

waiting for that soft lump to grow

as big as the room it was in

 I remember us all standing on the chairs by the lamp 

and her telling us to get down

before she finished one of  her stories.

(..and if I ever see her again )

She always ended with "and that's the way it was."

 and the room was always warm and friendly.


Saturday, January 16, 2021

gentle angel

I think I can find you again

say it's alright  

say its ok to try 

to bare my self a little 

as these shadows pass over inside the

quiet stillness

tell me that like images from dreams

they will quickly disappear again

its a funny thing

like other things 

that voice in the shadow  of my heart

that i hear every time

i fall

it helps me endure 

the surrendering

and the cold night air


Thursday, November 19, 2020

a simple world


Images open in my mind 

standing clear against countless time

from inner membranes, earth falling light

captures thoroughly overlapping possibilities  

( I'm leaving out these five lines to give

a sense of curiosity and wonder)

like an old sculptor watching the shadows fall

as one world slips into another 


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

the weathering

On words needing a voice,

inspiration, air, waking life and love...

Elements wash the mountains flush with colors

that change with second looks

speaking with ease and nonchalance

It's enough to forget such natural things

but why is it enough?


Monday, November 16, 2020

life lined

And as if to make this point

I go back for a moment to look

after the foreseeable future

making anything at all into

everything equal

Perhaps its only thin air but 

how comforting to think this road

leads toward that horizon

Im here in the lines you might pass over

a reminder that we all make images of 

anything everything and nothing at all

like the living spirit running through all things

never ending in one lasting scene


Thursday, May 28, 2020

post title

A black 
   wasp's long knife
   makes the world look


Sunday, May 17, 2020

replaced with words

drenched in silent moments
the inescapable vibration
melts around me
the infinite melodies and dreams 
like I swallowed time
Im trying to let them out of this gentle veneer

if you say
that truly takes strength 
and strength is love
or that i will remember this
be careful of imagination 
between those lines

but I need some way to get these thoughts out before summer
and believe we just need to recognize
their own strange beauty and wisdom


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Images that refuse to add up

let me see this heart
always beating for coarse sonnets
like warm light on Sunday afternoon
next to the shadowed bridges
miles east of here
that keep coming back
not asking for much

If I am wrong tell me when I'm right
Draw me to you,
more than anything else
through the failures laughter and tears
Be patient with me


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

pulled over

things running off my surface open me up 
as I keep wandering through the crowd

I watch for flames rising from the edges
can I get past this?

At the edge I stand back and look on
I swallow and take of life all its loneliness
Are there are no ghosts in darkness that can bring 
me closer to this place?

How little I know of the shadows 
stretched out into light 


Saturday, April 18, 2020


two distant spaces
in a dark universe
true love or just a matter of taking sides?

close to our eyes the 
restless voices left behind
pool the warm grey ash
doing what people have always done.

truth burns softly in perfect harmony with
the shadows covering our dreams from yesterday   
so timeless and widely spread

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Pall mall cats

Me and I
have established cross identity

But the other three (of us)
insist on imagining we
never learned a language

communication is overrated


Thursday, July 4, 2019

RIP Kitten Little

Tonight's empty pages 
lie still and white
as blistered eyes
scan through the colorless darkness 
 searching, hoping,crying 
trying to find 
bits of a lost humanity 

Kitten Little  2000-2019


Sunday, June 30, 2019

when to take the cat

sleeping till noon
picking at the cottoncorner... Trying to feel the tree
inside the long forgotten white paper
No, this is not something written about other people's considerations or how my repressed, silent sigh started crying again or
The way you are watching my mouth move, or mouths moving.
It's summer and the vines repeat like
soldered tears and twist your body back into my heart
in between commercials
thier mirage fails and
Stillness finishes the walls
before I ever could
they said there's a  ban now on bread and berries
and the sun's gone to sleep for 20 years
because nothing anyone's saying makes any sense.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

the cat

                                               today I was startled
                                                      by that only person
                                                                 more alive than spring



Friday, March 22, 2019

the space between trees

trees touch each other
inching to clouds
inching downward


Friday, January 25, 2019

Our love grows by the our

patience waiting

Our love grows by the our
our silence

stretched out from inside 
turning, dropping our eyes from the gaze

like slow time
lifting the falls
on the back of it all
It's true
souls stretched out past the world
feeling things we need to know
all the time at the same time
squeezed into sunshine from how fast
time'g got
to stop calling out in the night
like this


Thursday, September 20, 2018

block grin

when all the lovers were
laying back quietly

about whatever dream

we skipped
to the ending
too lazy
to take in air
unraveling before us into
one love

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

the stable

My mind wanders about
All the times I thought
like this
the only truth was
about those feelings
too big to fall through
Because there must be something else
something I can’t even imagine floating
in a brilliant stream
of light

from the author
of oceans
water spouts
fire and
other sacred
how everything shines

Scored in
solitary lines
or soaring from cliffs
loud in the
corners of eyes

The singing instrument
under a covered canvas
that like a love grows
I can't escape
or stop summer from raining

A long time ago
ambition became unobservable
and on the surface of a falling body
everything is impossible


Saturday, November 5, 2016

strange triangle

3 random lines

atriangle around
a certain sentence
on the surface

touching so alone and
passed over
Until now

This must be
what was long ago
absorbed by the spirit of the astral body
and transformed consciously even now




Tuesday, November 1, 2016

ole slim #14 ( final attempt)

In the calm back bottom of
the down under back lands
came a voice through dreams

You can be surrounded
by people who've disappeared
and are still singing in your heart

fortified by harmonies
and still glistening on my skin
sparkling and reclaiming
a craving for life

 -Monk Theramu Von Boxely  1493 AD

Monday, October 31, 2016


how can I not talk about it
about how that's
all I can do

I can steer towards there
but like a storm that sweeps through and leaves thunder
you don't have to
so i never had self control

So go pull a rabbit out of your back
or make fun of
someones injury, but

I tried
and I watched and tried again
endlessly spinning in
"no direction"
but I'm still alive
so this is about


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

an interconnected conflirt

and the only thing important
the most important if you include nothing
is that this vicinity
remains innactive

Ok so now I'm prepared to present
something that I've repeated four times
to exclude my being
not ever present
to the other speaker

See  Larry
See  Joan
And their computer, Chris



Saturday, September 17, 2016


I drove past the party
I was too afraid
Today has been another failure


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sen sen yum yum

and the old
sound of rain
in the beginning

or the cotton ball
tip in my ear

I don't feel it there

I'll take my cue from your words
fui guermo yo esmes certo 


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 264:

I thought I didn't understand what people were saying
because they were speaking in an unclear manner
making it hard to follow what they were trying to say
and then I realized it was me.

analyzed and expected
time breathes
and grows and from inside a dream
truth changes
it's voice
chirped but unbroken
and loved ever so
much more

Silence passes as the sun does
as the birds open a passageway
into being
like the wonder
of words together
like the spark
between up and down heartbeats


Tuesday, April 5, 2016


in hearts heard round the world
the longing for something to last

For there to be time for us to
shape our methods and plans

and edit yesterdays yearnings
into innocent wishes


Friday, March 4, 2016

late concert

putting her heart inside mine
i watch her face from the side
a voice
i hear  break gently

so beautiful
and she may be making up all
the words
i see faces watching
below and beside
me disappear into a cloud
as it rains


Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I'm less worried about you throwing me away
than I am about you losing me
when it's too dark for a shadow
too late to search the
spaces between words
what's the difference wondering whether
something will begin or end

or wondering
where this will go now
It means nothing and why I care
is all just in our minds
so we try to make it into something nice
if we have time


Saturday, January 30, 2016

You're not far away

voices still
hiding between words

and night lifted
by a single

torn paper that
became your lips


Thursday, January 28, 2016

old adage

I close my eyes and find you in a dream
a smile in the mirror
instead of a cry


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

edited version old age

being up near the old newspaper building
and writing this
- no electric here anymore, hasn't been for
about three years
It made me think about why
some things happen the way they do
And how I wouldn't know if something happened up here.

How after Dave visited, as he was leaving
said "tell me when, ...let me know "
For whatever reason his see you later slightly grimaced smile  burned into
my inner tv screen and I have no
idea what he was talking about . Tell him about what? I have no idea...
and I guess that's why I keep seeing his face
Because I'm still wondering in the back of my mind WTF he was
talking about.

