Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Like how the rain and sadness go together


Sunday, May 26, 2013

to flower343

we will meet in a dark and handsome feeling
with hymn sung songs hummed for the moment
That feeling there is a too sweet.
flash night heat lightning
pointed my heart in your direction

through the wide opening
barely wide open

And, in this every moment good thunder clap
I am moved slash advised to go around   ten year  mornings without color 
as the leaves leave the atmosphere cool to dry
on the Wind blown ground 

from within I climax
oblivious in the surging waves
drenched by the breath of a million tiny lips and mouths
whispering breathing in the ocean between our skin
symphonic soul burning flirtatious whispers
poetry obscured by
quaking vibrations 
falling like two tangled leaves off a cliff
into the mouth of the spraying waterfall


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

my feet forgot both up and down

spark said
leak softly over borders  
mixed from dreams all together.

Never closer from I
You may be 
last or only 

seep slowly out like
questions and dreams
Never closer
than my own empty skin


Monday, May 20, 2013

most possible

clouds we planted in the sky
flower like the eyes of heaven
breathing in our heart like summer
  true beneath the sky
evolving slowly into night
rising and falling
dreaming in the
stillness and quiet


Thursday, May 9, 2013

air fall

in each year and out
the other
no one
now is the old who

waiting in the wake  
of always feeling
voices sparkling with eyes  
bursting through air time after all 


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

On Something

Now I don't understand
about making a living or
 how so many do it

I just laughed, felt down then I laughed
again at something

So feelings change I thought
and I feel good and bad at the same time
I want to feel X way
You want to always feel good or neutral
all the time and
you don't like feeling bad
You can feel a little bad
or not think about it when you re busy
with something else.

"I will never smile again" I think, and
that brings a laugh


Friday, May 3, 2013

The day after: Switching from an iphone to the Galaxy s4

I din't know what would happen

after the unboxing
I notice it weighs less
 delicate yet earthy

someone asked     What do you have there
in a strange deep imaginative way
but I can no longer answer

 now I am a galaxy s4



Sunday, April 7, 2013

hard to say

how light enters and
winds through the woods
and into its skin
at times impossibly cloudy
and hard to define


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

a second poem ever written

She sweetens us
and he in whom love grows inside
allowing him an escape from
uninvolved idolatry 

her lines are always soft
and they cast through
magestic shadows

His fluid lines
formed slowly
as in a time gone by when the
moon that swims so peacfully
in the river swam frantically
beseiged then left in a hypnotic
conversation in rhythm
with the earth

Her rhapsodic signature
a last mesmeric kiss
that ripened him
breathtakingly beautiful
she is the glow in all darkness
enkindling our flames to fire.


Saturday, March 23, 2013


 to feel as the dreams
close you up

to give the
sea warming rain

and on some days
kept dawn's secret quiet

this too
A wind soft
  singing through and through



Sunday, March 17, 2013

a spiritis conversi dotum


Listening to the heartbeat of the words themselves 
partly everything that is
as beautiful can hope
to move the sea of feelings
or prove darkness

  just this difference
  deep and thorough 
Vague and pure as past loves gone

The in the sky of
  your dark image
       wearing the slowness of time

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



What the bird said
 © 2013 by Robert Ells
