Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Path That Ever Was

up the steps moved a tired heart
in dream sounds towards restoration

thanks to a soul nearby
on the path that ever was.



Nothing At All

I write on white leaves
and leave my mark
in the room of a house I never built.

I close my eyes and hear
the faint rumble of voices through
the door and think.
if I can hear, I must have ears
and that noise is the beginning
and eternity is nothing at all.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Way You Are Lifts Me Above Everything

gliding high
above the trees

soaking up the
silvered light
warming the seas.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


What is happiness
hidden by the solar sky

pinched sugar held
in the high endurance of light breathing

we escaped standing
our feet aired

in a solar song our song
in a ditch pitched high zero to the bones .


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One Summer's Day

A quick croak and then
memory was dead
and the sky, the empty sky, filled
with haze, endless haze.

plaster and the sculptor was finished
and god created a war on poetry
the end of Xanadu.


I Hope We Make It

Eye Opening
Grown by degree in rows and aisles
if they were events people would forget they are there
where they are
in a country right as rain speaking change we are different we work on pace with computers faster than the stress of sweating bullets breathing in
to air mattresses and blow up dolls.

In no parents land a blackmailed god feared letting the juice drip
but children put up with floods and grown women on farms we designed
and they do the best we can
we'd be dead otherwise.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On seeing the morning star again


                                    I saw of late the morn star
                                    above green horizons
                                    floating in sky blue 

                                    Like a flame it
                                       and like a flame
                                        I watched it go out 
                                         as the sun rose.


Monday, February 7, 2011

To Someone Somewhere

Now the shouting crowds
subside and a piercing
yell is heard.
Lost in the subway
a child died that way.

Agony out loud amidst the
noisy din of steel
a child died today.

Slow force starts up the train
and the bodies move in
mute harmony as the city's
lights go on.


The Swimmers Place

Some water opened up between the ice
and we jumped in.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mira: A Portrait

Lead circles about her eyes
She awakes to the morning
Skies are grey.

She opens a jewelry box
and places an earring on

Today's another date on her calendar
of wishes
her calendar of dreams.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

The True North

and the things remain
our moments
like the tidiness of a light snow on stone.

It's cleaner clearer when you look at the individual
pieces and this place we've all climbed up on
away from and into
to find something in the corner of a cloud

so beneath you my thought is ourselves
we lay down thrown back on a kiss

but nothing is still nothing
this is a warning
about looking over edges
especially edges
of diving boards
over empty pools
